Thursday 29 October 2009

The Most Beautiful Ferrari

Logo Ferrari

The Great Italian Car

Great Enzo Ferrari has created the multi-billion corporation creating not simply fast and reliable cars, but standards of high automobile design. In company history the broadest range of remarkable and rare cars but what of them it's really possible to name the most beautiful?
Television channel CNBC has asked most authoritative historian and expert of the Italian mark Marcel Massini to make the list of 15 most magnificent Ferrari in history. The Swiss has 30-year-old professional experience of researches in the field of automobile history, edits two international firm magazines and it's considered the best in the world the adviser for the Italian cars, whose services the largest collectors and the famous auction houses use.

Ferrari. TOP-15

15. Ferrari 375 Plus Cabriolet (1954)

Cabriolet Ferrari

Massini has put this car on 15 place because this car "has been created in the single copy for the king of Belgium Leopold and at Ferrari 375 Plus Cabriolet too huge engine". Prospective cost of the car — $10 million.
14. Ferrari 275 GTB/4 Berlinetta (1967)

Ferrari Berlinetta

Comment Massini: "This variant of 250th GTO for the poor man became classics of 60th years". Approximate cost of $900,000US, circulation — 330 copies.
13. Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa Spider (1959)

Ferrari Spider

Massini: "the Fantastic kind, and extremely successful racer". 15 million dollars, and only four collected cars.
12. Ferrari 250 GT Cabriolet Series 1 (1957)

Cabriolet Ferrari GT

"Very graceful, pure and at the same time simple lines, it is a pity, that it is not enough". Massini had in view of too small circulation of a cabriolet — 36 cars. Today such car on sale for $3 million.
11. Ferrari 330 P4 Berlinetta (1967)

Ferrari 330

Massini: "very sensual, very successful in races and very rare". It has been made only 3 cars, prospective cost — $30 million.
10. Ferrari 250 GT Lusso Berlinetta (1963)

Ferrari 250

250 GT Lusso Berlinetta "are extraordinary graceful, they very much like women". On personal preference Massini the best variant of colour for this car is dark blue or a shade of gun bronze. 350 copies are constructed. The today's price: $500,000US.
9. Ferrari 365 GTB/4 "Daytona" Berlinetta (1968)

Ferrari Daytona

The characteristic which has been given out by the Swiss expert: "Initial design, massive, but thus prompt". The nickname "Daytona" was given by journalists, in honour of victory Ferrari in the 24-sentry to race in the Daytona-Beach in February of 1967. The best colour for this car, according to Massini, exclusively yellow. The price — 350 000 dollars. 1 383 copies are made.
8. Ferrari Enzo (2003)

Ferrari Enzo

The car of 2003 "extremely exotic and extreme, named in honour of the company founder. The best colour for Enzo — grey-steel gun bronze". The prospective price of $1,3 million, 400 copies.
7. Ferrari 250 GT SWB Berlinetta (1961)

Cabriolet Berlinetta

"A fine and harmonious styling, initial design, the best variant dark blue or silver-grey". 165 cars of this model have been constructed. Their today's price fluctuates from 3 to 6 million dollars.
6. Ferrari 206 Dino GT (1968)

Ferrari Dino

According to Massini: "at Dino 206 GT very sensual lines of rotundities, the car by all means should be dark green or silver-grey". Prospective cost today — $300 000. Circulation — 150 units.
5. Ferrari 166 MM Barchetta (1949)

Ferrari Barchetta cabriolet

Barchetta became for Ferrari "the sign project, it is an early classics" Ferrari "which, of course, should be red". Only these 25 beauties left factory gate in 1949. Today for each of them ask not less $5 million.
4. Ferrari 250 Mille Miglia Berlinetta (1953)

Ferrari Mille

"A classical 3-l racing car of the beginning of 50th years". 18 copies of this model are made For long-distance races, today car cost reaches $3 million.
3. Ferrari 250 LM Berlinetta (1964)

Ferrari 250 LM

On high third place Massini has put this car because it — "last Ferrari, winning wearisome 24 hour race in Le Mans in 1965". The starting price from $8,000,000. In total 32 copies are made.
2. Ferrari 250 GTO Series Two (1964)

Ferrari 250 GTO

"An aggressive look with unusually long front and short back and a tremendous success of public", have forced Massini to put this car on the second place in a rating of the most beautiful cars Ferrari of all times. Cost of one of 7 constructed copies 250 GTO Series Two reads off scale for 30 million dollars.


1. Ferrari 375 Mille Miglia Spider — Chassis #0286 AM only (1953)

Cabriolet Ferrari Spider

The unique car collected in the single copy. For Massini this car most-most of all models with an emblem of "the Caracoling Stallion".
"Extremely the aggressive project, unique, executed in one copy, a detail and sensational components". The expert believes, that the initial price of such car will be not less than $12,000,000 million.

The remarkable fact, in rating Massini practically is not present models Ferrari of last 40 years, except for "anniversary" Enzo 2003. Can be at you, expensive readers, are into this account the opinion?

Maserati GranCabrio — the Summer Proceeds!

Maserati GranCabrio

The season of cabriolets in Russia has smoothly driven to the end, but nevertheless true cabriolets should interest prime minister Maserati on autoshow in Frankfurt — GranCabrio.

The first Italian the cabriolet

It's the first in history of the Italian mark a 4-seater cabriolet. Design of a novelty underline a huge oval lattice of a radiator in a corporate style, the fabric roof developing and displayed for 28 sec — provided that speed no more than 30 km/h.
In a car design superficial aluminium was generously applied. Thus under a cowl powerful 4,7-l 433-strong V8. However, while cabriolet dynamic characteristics it's not informed, but be assured, that they will not disappoint.

In salon the climate control and audiosystem Bose will please.
Novelty sales start in the spring of 2010. Cost yet is not informed.

Cabriolet Maserati

Interior Maserati

Luxury Maserati GranCabrio

Maserati Quattroporte (luxury limousine)

Limousine Maserati

The American automasters have constructed unusual car Maserati Quattroporte: supercar have transformed into a superlimousine.

Limousine Maserati Quattroporte

The car is capable to contain 10 passengers. The unique car can be rented at company Padilla Car Collection.
What engine completes the car — it is not known. As the owner of a unique miracle of technics assures, it is unique limousine Maserati Quattroporte in the world.

Unique limousine Maserati

Friday 23 October 2009

Alfa Romeo 159 (sedan)

Alfa Romeo 159

By the end of 2011 company Alfa Romeo plans to present a new sedan which will receive name Giulia and becomes model 159 successor. On it informs British edition Autocar referring to own sources in the Italian motor-car manufacturer.

New Alfa Romeo Giulia by Fiat C-Evo

The novelty will be constructed on platform Fiat C-Evo and begins to be offered both with forward, and with a full drive. As have declared magazine Autocar sources, developers are full determination as much as possible to lower weight of the car and to achieve thus high indicators of passive safety therefore the sedan "could receive even six stars EuroNCAP if in it there was such necessity".

What engines will be offered for Alfa Romeo Giulia yet is not informed, however, under assumptions of some foreign editions, the scale will include petrol motors of family MultiAir and diesel engines of series Multijet.

Besides, successor Alfa Romeo 159 will receive system DNA which is already used on hatchback Mi.To also allows to choose one of three algorithms of work of system of stabilization, the wheel electroamplifier, and also to change time of the response for pressing of a pedal of an accelerator.

Retro sedan Alfa Romeo Giulia

It is expected, that at the European dealers the novelty will appear not earlier than 2012.

Ferrari for the Chineses

Chinese supercar

Company Ferrari specially has developed the exclusive version for the Chinese market a supercar 599 GTB Fiorano HGTE which has been created in cooperation with known artist Lju Hao in the Peoples Republic of China.

Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano HGTE by Lju Hao

For this car Lju Hao has prepared two variants of design. In one of them of supercar it will be painted in stylistics of porcelain of a dynasty, it is created in the single copy and it is sold in the beginning of November at charitable auction. In the second variant 599 GTB Fiorano will receive a body painted in red and grey colours.

Ferrari 599 GTB

Such cars it is planned to make in the limited circulation in 12 copies. In registration of salon the artist used an ancient Chinese font by which figures on a tachometre and an inscription on the button of start of the engine are replaced, changed the colour with red on the green. Besides, leather bags with the embroidered route of "the Silk way" will be offered buyers of the car.

Chinese version Ferrari

The technical stuffing a supercar will not change. The car will be equipped still with 12 cylinder motor in volume of six litres and power of 620HP, and thanks to package Handling GT Evoluzione (HGTE) Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano also will receive the underestimated and more rigid suspension bracket, the recustomized steering, the modernised transmission and brakes and new wheel disks.

Exclusive Ferrari 599 GTB China Limited Edition

Cost of "Chinese" version Ferrari 599 GTB HGTE yet is not informed.

Sportcar Ferrari 430 Scuderia by Novitec Rosso

Ferrari Scuderia

Tuning studio Novitec Rosso, having found out about phase-out of Italian sportcar Ferrari 430 Scuderia, has decided to please at last the clients, having developed for "stallion" a package of completions.

Supercar Ferrari Novitec Rosso Edizione 747

The tuners specialising on operational development of lineup Ferrari throughout many years, have named next masterpiece Novitec Rosso Edizione 747. A body of Italian a sportcar have painted in yellow-grey colour and have blacked out back optics that the car was more brightly allocated against factory version Ferrari 430 Scuderia.
Have put model on 20-inch wheel disks of black colour ideally combined with colour of a body of the car.

But, of course, in studio are proud most of all not of perfection of an ex-terrier, and power-plant modernisation. Under the car name it is easy to guess, that number 747 means engine horsepowers. Having equipped standard 510-strong motor Ferrari 430 Scuderia two compressors, tuners managed to strengthen power of installation to 747HP, and twisting moment — to 738Nm.

Ferrari 430 Scuderia

Engine operational development should be reflected in dynamics of model. Italian of sportcar of all for 3,4 seconds is dispersed to 100 km/h, and 22,9 seconds are enough car to accelerate momentum 300 km/h.

The maximum speed Novitec Rosso Edizione 747 makes 351 km/h, is informed in the official press release. For daily driving on a city, sportcar besides have equipped with the special system capable of 40 mm to raise a forward axis for overcoming of such obstacles, as "lying policemen" or tram ways.

Record of speed from Ferrari F430 Scuderia

Thursday 22 October 2009

Ferrari: Michael Schumacher represents

Ferrari 458 Italia

The first impression of rather live photos from an exhibition — «what it malicious!». Also has put at all in the 4,5-l motor power of 562HP.
Company Ferrari did not make such outwardly malicious cars already very much for a long time. Obviously not to compare with predecessors of 430th and 360th. Indexes grow — power and a rage grows. And you try to do a bit of travelling with such hot motor behind the back!

Ferrari 458 Italia — pride of the Italian car industry

Dispersal to 100 km/h — only 3,4 seconds. The maximum speed — 325 km/h. Emotions anywhere do not share, after all Ferrari — is Ferrari. Ferrari 458 Italia all Italy is proud and all world envies.

Ferrari Italia

By the way, there is one more fact which will not leave indifferent admirers of mark. All of us, certainly, we remember powerful Enzo. And so, on a Ferrari track in Fiorano 458 Italia only on the tenth share of second more slowly Enzo! Result of passage at Ferrari 458 Italia — 1 minute of 25 seconds, against 1 minute 24,9 at space Enzo. Well and whose successor this Italia?

Ferrari 458 Italia in details

Monday 28 September 2009

Fiat has presented updated hatchback Panda 2010

Fiat Panda

Italian autoconcern Fiat has presented updated hatchback Panda 2010 modelling years.

Hatchback Fiat Panda 2010

The car differs more modern body with a new colour lattice of a radiator, wheel disks and big mirrors. In a salon interior there was a new instrument panel and new colours of an upholstery. The new 1,2-l engine develops power of 69HP and throws out in atmosphere of 113 gm СО2/1 km.

To the European buyers will offer Panda both with petrol, and with diesel motors, and also working on natural gas, power from 54 to 100HP.

Fiat Panda VS Volkswagen Polo

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Updated Alfa Romeo Mi.To will bring to Frankfurt


Company Alfa Romeo will present on a September motor show in Frankfurt the most powerful at present updating of compact hatchback Mi.To Quadrifoglio Verde. The given car will be equipped with the 170-strong 1,4-l engine of new generation — MultiAir. The engine begins to be aggregated with a six-step mechanical transmission.

Updated version Alfa Romeo Mi.To

From 0 to 100 km/h the novelty can be dispersed approximately for seven seconds. Thus the average expense of fuel will make 4,8 l/100 km of run, and level of emissions CO2 — 139 gr/km. We will notice, that Alfa Romeo Mi.To Quadrifoglio Verde also will receive a firm logo on forward wings, 17-inch wheel disks (18-inch will be offered as an option).

Alfa Romeo Mi.To

As it was informed earlier, engines of family MultiAir at the expense of the advanced mechanism of distribution of gas, allow to increase power and the maximum twisting moment by 10 and 15 percent, having reduced thus the expense of fuel and emissions of harmful substances. Besides the 170-strong version for Mi.To also will be accessible 105 and 135-strong motors from the same scale.

On sale in the European market 170-strong hatchback Alfa Romeo Mi.To will appear in the beginning of next year.

Hatchback Alfa Romeo Mi.To Quadrifoglio Verde

Sunday 30 August 2009

Fiat Grande Punto 2.0 (hatchback)

Fiat Grande Punto

Fiat Grande Punto: Hatchback

The world premiere of the updated version of hatchback Fiat Grande Punto will take place in September within the limits of the international motor show in Frankfurt. The official information about the Grande Punto is not present, however the Autocar has managed to receive some info about this car.

Thus, new FIAT Grande Punto has received other back of a car body with a new bumper and a radiator lattice.

2012 Fiat Grande Punto

Fiat Grande Punto

Also, the updated Fiat Grande Punto will receive the 1,4-l petrol engine (Multiair Technology) which at the expense of the original distributive mechanism is more economical than the traditional motor of similar volume. Besides it, new Grande Punto hatchback with the petrol engine will be satisfaction for the "Euro-5".

Interior Fiat Grande

Friday 28 August 2009

Alfa Romeo has presented special version Brera Italia Independent

Brera Italia

In Italian small town Porto Cervo to Sardinia the presentation of the new special version supercar Alfa Romeo Brera under name Italia Independent has taken place.

Special version Alfa Romeo by Italia Independent

Autocompany Alfa Romeo has made the limited series of model together with Italia Independent — a brand working in several commodity segments.

Alfa Romeo Brera Italia Independent equip with 2,2-l engine JTS power of 185HP or 3,2-l 260-strong motor V6. Transmission — a 6-step transmission — mechanical, Selespeed or automatic Q-Tronic, depending on the power unit. Version 3,2 V6 also equip with hi-tech full drive Q4.

Sales of the special version will begin in September — at first in Europe, and then — in Japan and Australia. Novelty cost starts from 32,200 euro.

Special release Alfa Romeo Brera Italia Independent

Tuesday 14 July 2009

The successor of hatchback Alfa Romeo 147 will show in Geneva

Alfa Romeo

Company Alfa Romeo plans to present in March of next year on a motor show in Geneva compact hatchback Milano which will come in the stead models 147.

Compact hatchback Alfa Romeo Milano

The novelty will be constructed on a universal platform of concern Fiat — C-Evo which can be used both for golf class cars, and for class cars "D" (for example, for sedan Alfa Romeo 159 following generations). Hatchback Milano begins to be offered exclusively in the five-door version; the length of the car will make about 4350 mm, width — 1800 mm, height — 1430 mm.

On overall dimensions Milano it will be close to car Fiat Bravo, however model Alfa Romeo will receive longer wheel base.

The scale of engines Alfa Romeo Milano will include four petrol motors: two 1,4-l units of family MultiAir power of 135 both 165HP and turbo-engines of 4th series T-Jet in volume of 1,8 litres developing 235 and 265HP. Also for a novelty will be offered 1,6 and 2,0-l diesel engines by power from 120 to 220HP. Depending on updating engines begin to be aggregated with a 6-step mechanical or automatic transmission.

Alfa Romeo Milano GTA

Besides, model Milano will have "charged" version GTA which, predictably, will receive system of a full drive and a powerful two-litre petrol turbo-engine in volume of 2 litres.

In the European market of sale of a novelty which will make competition Audi A3 and BMW 1-Series, will begin summer of 2010.

Thursday 25 June 2009

Tuners from Pininfarina have created exclusive gold Ferrari

Ferrari 330 LMB

Well-known Italian tuning studio Pininfarina has presented the new project which has received the name "Golden Ferrari". The car exclusive, but not the unique.

The golden Italian

Outwardly "the gold Italian" reminds Ferrari 330 LMB which flashed in a short-footage film "Toby Dammit", informs WorldCarFans.

Golden Ferrari, similarly Ferrari P4/5 from Pininfarina, has received thanks to diligence of the Italian tuners unique design in retrostyle. The open design of a body became the brightest line in a sportcar.

On not confirmed data, as a power-plant the car have equipped with 6,0-l engine V12 developing 620HP this engine hides under a cowl 599 GTB.

Exclusive Golden Ferrari

As inform foreign mass-media, exclusive "Golden Ferrari" the director of trading network Wal-mart Rob Walton has got.

Exclusive sportcar

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Experts ASI have finished Ferrari F430 and Bentley Continental

Ferrari F430

Japanese tuning company ASI has developed a styling-package for supercar Ferrari F430 and the complete set of completions for family Bentley Continental part (GT, Flying Spur and GTC).

Aerodynamic version Ferrari F430

Modified Ferrari F430 has received an aerodynamic weather-cloth into which new bumpers and aggressive lateral thresholds enter. These components on 27 kg it is easier than factory aerodynamic elements. Also tuners offer final system with the branch pipes which have been built in the central part of a back bumper.

"Reinsertion" of the engine and the new final system enters into a tuning package for Bentley, all it will provide power in 700HP.
The special electronic module which has been built in a suspension bracket, allows to reduce a road clearance in addition.

BMW M6 VS Ferrari F430

Sunday 21 June 2009

Ferrari has made sport version 599 GTB Fiorano

Ferrari 599

Company Ferrari has made sport package Handling GTE (Handling Gran Turismo Evoluzione) for the supercar 599 GTB Fiorano.

Ferrari 599 Handling GTE

The premiere of this version of model has taken place in March on a motor show in Geneva, and now owners of supercars can order a tuning package in two different variants, depending on a year of release of their car (to or after 2008).

In the first case the car will receive a radiator lattice in style 430 Scuderia, 20-inch wheel disks with sports tyres, branch pipes of final system, furnish of salon with carbon inserts and the new seats, the improved springs, stabilizers of cross-section stability and final system with the recustomized sound.

Handling Gran Turismo Evoluzione

For cars of 2008-2009 of release will in addition change operating electronics for which work switch Manettino located on a steering wheel answers. He allows to change an operating mode of a suspension bracket, the engine, transmission and stabilisation system. Tuners will reduce time of a gear change for a check point to 85 milliseconds.

The first version of a sport package costs $28,300US, the second — $32,400US.

Friday 29 May 2009

Novitec Rosso has made Ferrari F430 Scuderia Spider 16M

Ferrari F430

The tuning studio Novitec Rosso specialising on operational development of cars of mark Ferrari, has prepared a package of options for Ferrari F430 Scuderia Spider 16M. We will notice, that Ferrari has made only 499 copies of this model.

Tuning version Ferrari F430

For those who will be not not impressed with characteristics a supercar, the studio and has developed Novitec Rosso Scuderia Spider 16M. The motor-car manufacturer has equipped the sports car with the unit power of 510HP, however masters Novitec Rosso have counted such power insufficient and "have squeezed out" of the engine of 696HP at the expense of two superchargers.

To 100 km/h coupe it is dispersed for 3,7 sec, and the maximum speed of tuning version Ferrari F430 is equal 315 km/h. Judging by photos, the car has not undergone practically any external changes. The studio has only blacked out back headlights a supercar and have completed the car with firm wheel disks NF3 of black colour.

Cabriolet Ferrari F430

Novitec Rosso

Ferrari F430 by Novitec Rosso

Friday 22 May 2009

Tuners have charged baby Alfa Romeo

Alfa Romeo MiTo

Tuning studio Novitec which specialises basically on such supercars as Ferrari and Maserati, undertook for Alfa Romeo MiTo. Before tuning the Italian midget car could brag of the 1,4-l engine with a turbo-supercharging power of 155HP.

Alfa Romeo MiTo by Novitec

Now, after completions, Alfa Romeo MiTo about 100 km/h for 7,4 seconds are dispersed. Novitec has dispersed the engine to 186HP, but also on it tuners have not stopped. At MiTo there was a rear wing, thresholds, 18-inch wheels 215/35. Also "the Italian stallion" became more agile: the car have lowered on 40 mm by means of sports shock-absorbers.

Tuning version Alfa Romeo MiTo