Company Alfa Romeo will present on a September motor show in Frankfurt the most powerful at present updating of compact hatchback Mi.To Quadrifoglio Verde. The given car will be equipped with the 170-strong 1,4-l engine of new generation — MultiAir. The engine begins to be aggregated with a six-step mechanical transmission.
Updated version Alfa Romeo Mi.To
From 0 to 100 km/h the novelty can be dispersed approximately for seven seconds. Thus the average expense of fuel will make 4,8 l/100 km of run, and level of emissions CO2 — 139 gr/km. We will notice, that Alfa Romeo Mi.To Quadrifoglio Verde also will receive a firm logo on forward wings, 17-inch wheel disks (18-inch will be offered as an option).
As it was informed earlier, engines of family MultiAir at the expense of the advanced mechanism of distribution of gas, allow to increase power and the maximum twisting moment by 10 and 15 percent, having reduced thus the expense of fuel and emissions of harmful substances. Besides the 170-strong version for Mi.To also will be accessible 105 and 135-strong motors from the same scale.
On sale in the European market 170-strong hatchback Alfa Romeo Mi.To will appear in the beginning of next year.
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